Oregon ag department receives 43 grant applications requesting $27 million in grant funds toward $82.6 million in projects that add, upgrade or expand processing facilities around the state.
Michigan ag department funds projects supporting expanded capacity for the aggregation, processing, manufacturing, storing, transporting, wholesaling and distribution of locally and regionally produced food products.
The Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets funds projects that support market development for small Vermont farms and food businesses and promote development of Vermont value-added products.
Puerto Rico Department of Agriculture bolsters the island’s agricultural infrastructure with an emphasis on establishing advanced industrial processing facilities.
North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services funds projects that expand on-farm cold storage and packaging capacity, implement post-harvest handling, provide refrigerated trucks and expand aggregator facilities.
Funds support research at the University of Maryland, Mississippi State University, University of Georgia, North Carolina State University and University of Delaware.
Using RFSI funding, the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry funds projects that will achieve on-farm facility infrastructure improvements to resolve middle-of-the-supply-chain challenges for Maine agricultural products and support processing, packaging, storage and distribution improvements.