In just a few short months, any official establishment or retail store that grinds raw beef products will be required to keep grinding records showing the source of all raw materials being used.
On Feb. 11, 2016, the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) published a Federal Register Notice to finalize new Salmonella and Campylobacter performance standards for comminuted poultry and chicken parts.
Maintaining food safety in the meat industry is becoming more important than ever as companies face foodborne illness lawsuits and government investigations. There are two important tools processors can use to better control these risks.
The 2016 edition of IPPE was the fourth year of the partnership for U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY), North American Meat Institute (NAMI) and American Feed Industry Association (AFIA).
With a month in the books on 2016, the top executives of two specialty protein processors offered The National Provisioner their thoughts on what the rest of the year may bring — what follows are their insights and outlook.
Specialty protein processors Chris Flocchini, president and CEO of Sierra Meat & Seafood, and Dana Ehrlich, co-founder and CEO of Verde Farms, offer their insights and outlook on 2016.