The unsolicited e-mails coming my way urging me to boycott BP gas stations are troubling. The matter came home to roost over the July 4th weekend when a friend shared his encounter at a BP station.
By Philip Kimball CAE and Ann Wells, NAMPThe new, completely revised NAMP Meat Buyer’s Guide® offers you a lot of new features that make the edition on your desk now
The availability and affordability of safe food has a direct impact on our individual health, the well-being of our families, and (if we work in the food industry) the success
The best way to solve a problem is to talk about it. Unfortunately, some of the issues we deal with, particularly related to slaughter, tend to cause discomfort when approached
Andy Hanacek Has your company breathed a sigh of relief that the worst of the 2008-2009 recession is behind us? If so, your company is not alone.Yet business headlines seem
Read this month’s column really fast because the food industry is moving and changing at an unprecedented rate … and you can’t get left behind. The speed and scale of
Though the meat-processing industry and regulatory agencies frequently find themselves at odds, both groups want exactly the same thing: a safe food supply. The arguments arise when it comes to
During the spring of 1993, in the midst of the E. coli O157:H7 outbreak, the Secretary of Agriculture asked me how many federally inspected beef plants in the United States had voluntarily implemented HACCP. I had to tell him that out of almost 7,000 plants, less than 500 were practicing HACCP.
Most that know me know that when I travel to the U.S. I enjoy debating American politics, especially with Americans. There is a lot of speculation as to why I would engage in such potentially harmful behavior. Many, including the owner of Cardinal, believe I do it just to mix things up with our American brethren.
On March 19, 2010, FSIS issued a Draft Guidance: HACCP Systems Validation. This draft document outlines procedures plants can use to validate their HACCP systems. It is essentially a re-interpretation of the HACCP regulation published in 1996.