The Establishment Number Finder App is the first iPhone app dedicated to searching a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) product establishment number.
The U.S. will be boosting species tests of imported meat products imported from Iceland, Ireland, Poland and the United Kingdom, according to a new USDA directive.
Colorado State University is the state’s Land Grant University and the Department of Animal Sciences is responsible for educating approximately 800 undergraduate and 50 graduate students at any given time.
The House of Representatives yesterday approved a $55 million shift of funds within the USDA in order to prevent any layoffs of federal meat inspectors and disruption to the meat and poultry industry.
The USDA has said that U.S. meat processors, who would have to essentially shut down while inspectors were laid off, would lose about $10 billion in production.
The Obama administration warned on Friday that across-the-board spending cuts set to take effect in March may result in furloughing every U.S. meat and poultry inspector for two weeks, causing the meat industry to shut down.