Team-driven Turnaround
Tyson Foods successfully navigated the recession by following a tried-and-true strategy that kept its team focused sharply on eliminating inefficiencies and re-dedicating itself to its customers.

Photos by Jeff Peak, Tyson Foods

Source: Tyson Foods press reeleases; Charles Schwab & Co. website.

Photos by Jeff Peak, Tyson Foods

Photos by Jeff Peak, Tyson Foods

Tyson Foods’ team at its Sherman, Texas, case-ready plant has done its fair share of helping the company turn itself around over the years, through its focus on efficiency and corporate culture. Representing the facility are (front row, left to right) Pete Baker, industrial engineer; Mike Gerleman, complex manager; Bill McKeeman, operations manager; (back, left to right) Dustin Kratochvil, plant engineer; Rita Huske, complex H.R. manager; Yvette Weaver, asst. operations manager; Wayne Grove,material handling superintendent; and Tom Sharp, plant quality assurance manager.
Photos by Jeff Peak, Tyson Foods

Team members at Tyson’s Sherman, Texas, case-ready plant sort through a variety of fresh pork cuts traveling by them on a conveyor, and pack them onto pre-padded and labeled trays, each employee guided by detailed customer specifications.
Photos by Jeff Peak, Tyson Foods

Bill McKeeman (left), operations manager for the Sherman facility, and Andy Hanacek, editor-in-chief of The National Provisioner, discuss the different specifications and technologies that the team uses to efficiently minimize waste during production of boneless fresh pork items.
Photos by Jeff Peak, Tyson Foods

Palletized cases of fresh, case-ready beef products are about to be loaded and removed from the sorting room at the Sherman plant.
Photos by Jeff Peak, Tyson Foods
Photos by Jeff Peak, Tyson Foods

Charlie Stone (right),general foreman at the Sherman plant, explains the facility’s labeling and packaging capabilities to Hanacek.
Photos by Jeff Peak, Tyson Foods