Duravant President & CEO Mike Kachmer has announced that Jim James, who previously served as senior vice president of service operations for Foodmate US, has been promoted to president.
In 2022, the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) estimates MLB fans will consume 19.1 million hot dogs and nearly five million sausages at games this season.
CloverLeaf Animal Welfare Systems is an international consulting, auditing, and certification firm based in the United States that has successfully leveraged different digital and virtual tools to hold conferences and training courses in addition to the Remote Animal Welfare Manager support.
As of March 1, there were 72.2 million hogs and pigs on U.S. farms, down 2% from March 2021 and down 3% from Dec. 1, 2021, according to the Quarterly Hogs and Pigs report.
Multi-Conveyor recently built a complex, yet small footprint, custom conveyor system that uses a servo transpositor retract and two stacked servo merges to transport bags of chicken from three baggers to two case packers, with X-ray scans in the process.
Registration is now open for the long awaited return of PACK EXPO International 2022 (Oct. 23–26; McCormick Place, Chicago), the most comprehensive packaging and processing show in the world in 2022.