MOL-PCR can rapidly screen samples concurrently for several STEC O serogroups and three major virulence factors (genes for two Shiga toxin and intimin).
A look at recalls shows improvement in some areas, but deterioration in others — and the presidential election ought to be interesting to watch from a regulation angle.
While energizing achieves the objective of creating a clean piece of equipment, the process by which energizing is performed has the ability to cause significant worker safety concerns.
Over the last two decades, the food industry has learned a tremendous amount about the potential dangers associated with Listeria in ready-to-eat (RTE) foods.
For pasteurizing product, processors have a variety of options on the rise, but thermal processing remains entrenched as the proven option for many companies.
Although a slew of systems are taking shape and likely to become more active or launch in the coming years, thermal processing still is the dominant pasteurization method for enhancing food safety in meat and poultry.
With employee hygiene a key variable in the creation and spread of contaminants, training programs that educate workers on best practices can reduce food safety threats.