Venison processing can be very profitable if you manage it correctly. Before the start of each venison season it is appropriate to review your procedures and pricing from the previous year and determine if there are any changes that you need to make.
While energizing achieves the objective of creating a clean piece of equipment, the process by which energizing is performed has the ability to cause significant worker safety concerns.
Employing workers who have the competency to produce high-quality quality meat and poultry in an efficient and safe manner is a foremost aim of protein plant operators.
While the meat processing system relies heavily on worker skill, meat and poultry processors are looking at automation to help eliminate repetitive worker motions and reduce work-related injuries.
According to the Department of Labor (DOL), workers in the meat and poultry slaughtering and processing industries are experiencing fewer injuries and illnesses.
More than 750 people made the trek to San Angelo, Texas, to attend the American Meat Science Association’s (AMSA) 69th annual Reciprocal Meat Conference (RMC).
Processing wastewater is consistently at the top of processors’ challenges as they continue to look at wastewater treatment systems advancements, water conservation and water recycling.
Demand for cooked meat and poultry is on the upswing and preparation technologies are efficient, but generating mainstream acceptance of additional products remains a challenge.