Designed specifically for small to medium processors and R&D labs, NuTEC’s completely hydraulic 720 Forming Machine is versatile enough to run beef, pork, poultry, seafood, cheese and more.
The 12 vane HVF 658, designed for higher evacuation with even gentler product handling, is dramatically reducing smear in ways that communicate “artisan quality” to consumers.
The combination builds on both companies’ technological strengths to accelerate results for life sciences customers working in proteomics, genomics and cell biology.
Brookfield offers two hands-on courses designed to help users comprehend the functionality of their instrument and solve the mysteries of fluid behavior while creating a successful and repeatable method.
The complete solution that comes with the knife series is an all-round system consisting of hardware and software, and is obtainable from RFIDICK GmbH, a 100% wholly owned subsidiary of Friedr. Dick.