Driven by the huge increase in at-home meal occasions during the COVID-19 pandemic, bacon, like numerous other proteins, has seen an upsurge in overall buyers vs. a year ago for the latest 52 weeks, ending June 14, 2020, in multi-retail outlets, excluding convenience, according to IRI, Chicago.
Form-fill-seal has moved steadily over the years to become a major packaging force for retail proteins. “It’s only rivaled by shrink bags,” declares one packaging veteran. “Certainly in North America it’s dominant largely on the flexible side.”
Perdue Premium Meat Company has acknowledged its need for premium differentiation and grown quickly by filling in gaps with ultra-complementary initiatives and acquisitions.
As spring rolls into summer, gardeners across North America are beginning to see the fruits of their post-winter labor, as gardens begin to flourish and put on a show. Creating the perfect landscape takes knowledge, planning, a knack for what works best for each individual plant and the ability to adjust when things aren’t quite right.
Meat and Muscle Biology (MMB) was initiated by the American Meat Science Association as its official scientific journal in October 2016 to provide a broader scope of peer-reviewed meat science and muscle biology research than was then available to the world’s meat science and industry community.