SuKarne, the leading company in the Mexican market for meat, began construction of its latest facilities in Tlahualilo, Durango, launching the first phase of "Ganadera Integral La Laguna" and created a new model of alliance with regional producers.
Three owners of an Atlanta company that supplied meat to restaurants around the Southeast were sentenced to prison Wednesday after they admitted hiring at least 12 illegal immigrants and paying wages off the books so they could avoid more than $300,000 in federal taxes.
Price per pound has solidified its number-one ranking as the most important decision factor for consumers, while total package cost is now the second most important decision factor.
Using cow stem cells grown in a petri dish, the researchers have created small strips of muscle that will be mixed with blood and artificially grown fat to make a hamburger.
"While 2011 was an extremely challenging year, it was also transformational with respect to Pilgrim's operating model," stated Bill Lovette, Pilgrim's CEO.