Over the next few months, the brand will be rolling out a range of new products, including Ciabatta Sandwiches, English Muffin Sandwiches, and Croissant Sandwiches.
The Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets funds projects that support market development for small Vermont farms and food businesses and promote development of Vermont value-added products.
The award program is open to NCC, NTF and USPOULTRY member facilities that have injury and illness rates below the industry average for three consecutive years.
The date of National Rendering Day — the day before Earth Day — represents the sustainable nature of the rendering industry and its contributions to food waste and loss prevention, as well as environmental protection and sustainability.
New board members include Polly Ruhland, agriculture consultant, Dr. Jack Shere, USDA - APHIS, and Dr. Stephanie Ward, North Carolina State University.