Turkey’s resilience and wide geographic dispersal has maintained the supply reliability of turkey meat nationally, despite a leading production region suffering disproportionate losses to highly pathogenic avian influenza in spring 2015.
In the broiler sector, all eyes are on the possible return of avian influenza this fall and winter, as Canadian waterfowl begin to migrate south along the Atlantic flyway, which touches major broiler production areas in Delmarva, North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama.
As the U.S. poultry industry continues to deal with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus infection in the Midwest, it is important to reflect on why this virus has spread through a section of the industry and how the poultry industry has prepared itself for control of this disease.
As most of you are aware, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has confirmed several strains of highly pathogenic avian flu (HPAI) virus strains in turkey flocks in a handful of states.