AB Stridhs Maskiner Stadsskrivaregatan 9 S-415 02 Goteborg Sweden 011-46-31-844444 Fax 011- 46-31-259151 Strdhs@swipnet.se www.strdhs.nu Alfacel Inc. PO Box 5415 Woodridge, IL 60517 (630)783-9702 Fax (630) 783-9780 Astall@msn.com www.alfacel.com Alferi Laboratories Inc. 1300 E. North Ave. Little Chute, WI 54140 (920) 788-5330 Fax (920) 788-6898 Barmstrong@alferi-labs.com American Laboratories Inc. 4410 South 102nd Street Omaha, NE 68127 (402) 339-2494 Fax (402) 339-0801 rod@americanlaboratories.com www.americanlaboratories.com Atlas Casing Co. Inc. 1131 Senoia Rd. STE B Tyrone, GA 30290 (770) 964-7878 Fax (770) 969-9982 Sales@casings.com www.casings.com Bavaria Corporation Ocooe-Apopka Rd. Apopka, FL 32703 (407) 880-0322 Fax (407) 880-1932 bavaria@fdn.com www.bavariacorp.com Bayer Chemicals 7330 S. Madison St. Willowbrook, IL 60527 (630) 789-8440 Fax (630) 789-8489 James.westberg@bayerchemicals.com www.bayerchemicals.com Betex Pack SL Benito Gutierrez 33 Madrid, 28008 Spain 011-34-915-446-335 Fax 011-34-915-443-721 Info@texda.com www.betexpack.com Bunzl Distribution 701 Emerson Rd. STE 500 St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 887-5959 or (888) 997-5959 Fax (314) 997-0247 jeff.earnhart@bunzlusa.com www.bunzldistribution.com Butcher & Packer Supply Co. 1468 Gratiot Ave. Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 567-1250 Fax (313) 567-8938 Fritz@butcher-packer.com www.butcherpacker.com Con Yeager Co. 144 Magill Rd/. Zelienople, PA 16063 (800) 222-2460 Fax (724) 452-6171 Spicehelp@zoominternet.com www.yeagerspice.com Cryovac/Sealed Air Corp. Box 464 Duncan, SC 29334 (864) 433-2000 or (800) 845-3456 Fax (864) 433-2134 cryovac.mld@sealedair.com www.cryovac.com CW Carter Co. Inc. 526B Market Loop Dundee, IL 60118 (888) 672-9250 Fax (847) 426-3520 Eschbachw@aol.com Dakota Natural Casing 720 North Old Woodward STE 204 Birmingham, MI 48009 (248) 642-0860 Fax (248) 258-0936 Ajayross@aol.com Dat Schaub USA 654 Orchard St. Deerfield, IL 60015 (847) 607-0595 Fax (847) 317-0172 Seaco@comcast.net Dewied International Inc. 5010 EastIH 10 San Antoino, TX 78219 (210) 661-6161 or (800) 992-5600 Fax (210) 662-6112 sales@dewiedint.com www. Dewied.com Dickson Industries Inc. 2425 Dean Ave. Des Moines, IA 50317 (515) 262-8061 Fax (515) 262-1844 wdickson@dicksonindustries.com www.dicksonindustries.com Ennio International 1007 N. Commons Drive Aurora, IL 60504 (630) 851-5808 Fax (630) 851-7744 ennio@ennio.com.au www.ennio.com.au Enterprise Inc. 7800 Sovereign Rd. Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 631-4350 or (800) 527-9431 Fax (214) 638-2016 sales@enterprise.com www.enterprisesupplies.com Friedrich Ingredients GmbH Marktsaette 8 Konstanz, D78462 Germany 011-49-7531-89276-0 Fax 011-49-7531-89276-10 Info@ingredients.de www.ingredients.de Frutarom Inc. 9500 Railroad Ave. North Bergen, NJ 07047 (201) 861-9500 Fax (201) 861-9267 www.fruarom.com Globe Casing Co., 198 Route 46 East Box 355 Lodi, NJ 07644-0355 (973) 777-5780 or (888) 211-0989 Fax (973) 777-5338 globecasing@worldnet.att.net www.globecasing.com Harbro Packaging Co. 2635 N. Kildare Chicago, IL 60639 (800) 525-1229 Fax (773) 489-6584 Harbro1@msn.com H&H of the Americas Corp. 494 Eight Ave. STE 805 New York, NY 10001 HandH@LVLcorp.com www.holdik-haamberg.com Hovus Inc. 272 Brodhead Rd. TSE 200 Bethlehem, PA 18017 (610) 997-8800 Fax (610) 997-0485 sales@hovus.com The Hubert Co. 9555 Dry Fork Rd. Harrison, OH 45030 Ngilliam@hubert.com www.hubert.com Inovpack Vector Inc. 2021 Midwest Road STE 307 Oak Brook, IL 60523 (630) 434-0040 or (800) 435-9100 Fax (630) 434-9550 www.inovpackvector.com International Casings Group Inc. 4420 South Wolcott Ave. Chicago, IL60609 (773) 376-9200 or (800) 825-5151 Fax (773) 376-9292 sales@casings.com www.casings.com JetNet Corp. 505 North Drive Sewickley, PA 15143 (412) 741-0100 Fax (412) 741-0140 www.jetnetcorp.com Jif-Pak Manufacturing Inc. 1451 Engineer St. Vista, CA 92081 (760) 597-2665 or (800) 777-6613 Fax (760) 597-2667 info@jifpak.com www.jifpak.com Kalle USA Inc. 8 Bartles Corner Rd. STE 102 Flemington, NJ 08822 (908) 237-1500 Fax (908) 237-1505 Marchettejohnson@kalleusa.com www.kalleusa.com KC Industries 6120 Grandview Shawnee Mission, KS 66202 (816) 678-7351 Fax (913) 236-6196 www.kcjequipment.com |
Kleer Pak 320 S. Lalonde Ave. Addison, IL 60101 (630) 543-0208 Fax (630) 543-0811 Sales@kleerpak.com www.kleerpak.com Koch Supplies LLC 528 East 19th Ave. North Kansas City, MO 64116 (816) 448-6132 Fax (800) 329-5624 Koch@kochsupplies.com www.kochsupplies.com M&Q Packaging Corp. Box 180Earle Street Schuykill Haven, PA 17972 (570) 385-4991 or (800) 600-3068 Fax (570) 385-4954 mschmak@mqplastics.com www.mqplastics.com MEATLONN USA INC. 2035 Lemoine Ave. 2nd Florr Fort Le, NJ07024 (201) 944-6814 or (800) 965-5144 Fax (201) 947-5906 meatlonn@cs.com www.meatlonn.com Michigan Food Equipment Co. LLC 8155 Fieldcrest Brighton, MI 48116 (810) 231-5130 Fax (810) 231-5132 MFEquip@aol.com www.mfe.itgo.com Mid-Western Research & Supply 343 N. Wabash Wichita, KS 67214 (800) 828-5524 (fax) 316) 262-5136 dwalton@midwesternresearch.com www.midwesternresearch.com Mitsubishi Canada Ltd. 2800-200 Granville St. Vancouver, BC V6C 1G6 Canada (604) 654-8037 Fax (604) 654-8225 Richard.taka@misubishicopr.com www.mitsubishicorp.com (skinless) NadiezdaOreliana Ave. Miguel Hidalgo Oriente No. 1350 Col San Sebastian Toluca, Edo de Mexico 50010 Mexico Norelan@kosa.com.mx Nijal USA 9965 Hamlet Lane South Cottage Grove, MN 55016 (651) 458-3233 Nitta Casings Inc. Box 858Southside Ave. Somerville, NJ 08876 (908) 218-4400 or (800) 526-3970 Fax (908) 218-4561 melanson@nittacasings.com www.nittacasings.com Now Plastics Inc. One Monarch Place No. 1210 Springfield, MA 01144 (413) 785-1819 Fax (413) 736-8310 Lsilverstein@ergofilms.net www.nowplastics.com Overseas Casing Co. 601 S. Nevada Seattle, WA 98108 (800) 682-6845 Fax (206) 382-0883 Ovrc@ix.netcom.com Package Concepts & Materials Inc. 1023 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 458-7291 Fax (864) 458-7295 Sales@packageconcepts.com www.packageconcepts.com Pemberton & Associates Inc. 3610 Nashua Drive Mississauga, ON L4V 1X9 Canada (905) 678-8900 Fax (905) 678-8989 Pemco@pemcom.com www.pemcom.com PS Seasoning/Pro Smoker & Roaster P.O. Box 278 Iron Ridge, WI 53035 (920) 625-2090 Fax (920) 625-3861 www.prosmokernroaster.com Quality Casing and Netting Co. P.O. Box 229 Hebron, KY 41048 (859) 689-5311 Fax (859) 689-5177 Gnc@qualitycasing.com www.qualitycasing.com Quality Control Equipment Co. Bix 6010 DesMoines, IA 50309 (515) 266-2268 Fax (515) 266-0243 sales@qcec.com www.qcec.com Seaco International/Dat Schaub USA 9231 Primrose Lane Fox River Grove, IL 60021 (847) 462-8858 (847) 462-8866 Seaco@comcast.net Spectrum Pack Inc. 50 Amity Street Jersey City, NJ 07304 (201)332-3200 or (800) 332-9701 Fax (201) 332-3400 casing@spectrumpack.com www.spectrumpack.com The Standard Casing Co. Inc. 60 Amity Street Jersey City, NJ 07304 (201) 434-6300 or (800) 847-4141 Fax (201) 847-1508 casings@standardcasing.com www.mtgplace.com/com/standardcasing Syracuse Casing Co. Inc. 528 Erie Blvd. W Syracuse, NY 13204 (315) 475-0309 Fax (315) 475-8536 Makincasin@aol.com www.makincasin.com Teepak LLC 1011 Warrenville Rd. STE 255 Lisle, IL 60532 (630) 493-9080 Fax (630) 719-3803 www.teepak.com Triune Enterprises 13711 South Normandia Ave. Gardena, CA 90249 (310 719-1600 (310) 719-1800 Sid@Triune-ent.com www.Triune-ent.com ViscoFan USA Inc. 50 County Court Montgomery, AL 36105 (334) 396-0092 or (800) 521-6303 Fax (334)396-0094 lambertd@usa2.viscofan.com Viskase Corp. 625 Willowbrook Centre Parkway Willowbrook, IL 60527 (630) 789-4900 or (800) 521-6303 Fax (262) 694-4824 www.viskase.com Vista International Packaging Inc. 1126 88th Place Kenosha, WI 53143 (262) 697-6679 or (800) 558-4058 Fax (262) 694-4824 sales@vistapackaging.com www.vistapackaging.com Wetoska Packaging Distributors 1099 LuntAve. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 (8847) 437-6100 Fax (847) 437-8991 Alexis@wetoska.com www.wetoska.com Wolfson Casing Corp. 700 S. Fulton Ave. Mt. Vernon, NY 10550 (914) 668-9000 or (800) 221-8042 Fax (914) 668-6900 sales@wolfsoncasing.com www.wolfsoncasing.com World Casing Corp. 47006 Grand Ave. Maspeth, NY 11378 (718) 628-3800 Fax (718) 628-5800 Casings@worldcasing.com www.worldcasing.com World Pac International USA 7900 Durand Avenue Bldg. NE Sturtevant, WI 53177-0742 (262) 598-0062 Fax (262)598-0064 Info@worldpacusa.com www.worldpacusa.com Yes Group Inc. 9412-100 Ave. Westlock, AB T7P 2B6 Canada (780) 349-6127 Fax (780) 349-3162 Spiceguy@west-teq.net www.yesgroup.com ZIP-net Inc. 801 William Lane Reading, PA 19604 (877) 632-8638 Fax (610) 921-1588 cnorton@zip-net.com www.zip-net.com |
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