The 2025 International Production & Processing Expo, sponsored by the American Feed Industry Association, Meat Institute and U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, is offering a wide range of services to international attendees

With 29% of attendees hailing from outside the US, IPPE is partnering with the US Department of Commerce as part of the International Buyer Program. This program attracts thousands of qualified international buyers, sales representatives and business partners to US trade shows each year. The Department of Commerce's Commercial Service will be on hand at IPPE to assist attendees in advancing their international trade initiatives.

The 2025 IPPE will feature buyer matching, conference rooms, translation services, import-export counseling and access to export directories in the International Trade Center, located in the A/B Connector. Additionally, USPOULTRY is offering the La Cumbre Avícola Latinoamericana, or Latin American Poultry Summit, education program that will address improvements in the areas of grain management, food safety, genetics, biosecurity and bird health. The program will primarily be conducted in Spanish, with translation services provided in English and Portuguese.

The 2025 IPPE will have more than 595,500 square feet of exhibit space and feature more than 1,360 exhibitors. IPPE is a collaboration of three trade shows – the International Feed Expo, International Poultry Expo and International Meat Expo – representing the entire chain of protein production and processing.

Source: IPPE