Direct-to-consumer meat and seafood brand ButcherBox has been recertified as a Certified B Corp. The company is the only B Corp-certified meat and seafood brand to source only from partners with third-party animal welfare certifications.

Initially certified as a B Corp in November 2020, ButcherBox saw a 22% increase in certification score during recertification, signaling continued commitment to animals, people and the planet. The B Corp certification is not an endpoint, but an ongoing standard to maintain. Therefore, companies must go through the recertification process every three years, giving them an opportunity to continually improve the work they are doing across the five impact areas – governance, workers, customers, community and the environment. The brand's score increase to 98.7 was driven by key company initiatives that positively impacted the environmental component of the assessment.

For nearly a decade, ButcherBox has focused on creating meaningful change in the meat and seafood industry by prioritizing doing what is right and good for all parts of the supply chain over profits and financial gain. The B Corp Certification is one way to monitor this change, as is the company's commitment to sourcing only from suppliers with third-party animal welfare certifications, like Certified Humane, the Global Animal Partnership, Marine Stewardship Council and Responsible Fisheries Management.

"As we look to continue our work of transforming the meat industry, we recognize the importance of third-party certifications in holding us accountable and building consumer confidence in ButcherBox being a trusted protein brand," said Mike Salguero, founder and CEO of ButcherBox. "For nearly a decade, we've been doggedly focused on ensuring we have the most rigorous sourcing standards and practices so when our customers' boxes arrive on their doorstep, they can get ready to enjoy what's inside. Being recognized by B Lab for all the work that goes into getting that box on their doorstep is really an honor."

The B Corp recertification coincides with a key company milestone of delivering one billion meals to consumers across the U.S., a marker the company has been counting down toward since spring 2024.

"Food, and the experience of enjoying a meal with people you care about, is such a sacred moment," said Salguero. "For our protein to be at the center of one billion meals over the last several years is an accomplishment I am humbled by. To have hundreds of thousands of consumers relying on us to bring those meals to life day after day is an opportunity we don't take for granted."

ButcherBox is focused on bringing more high-quality, humanely raised and sustainably sourced protein to consumers across the U.S. As the year continues, the brand will focus on new retail channels, rolling out more brand partnerships and launching new products that align with their mission of transforming the meat industry while helping consumers eat better meals together.

Source: ButcherBox