The Flexible Packaging Association, an advocate and voice for the growing U.S. flexible packaging industry, has announced the FPA 2024 Student Flexible Packaging Design Challenge winners. This year’s first winner was a team of students from the University of Wisconsin–Stout, and the second-place winner was a team of students from the California Polytechnic State University.

FPA’s annual Achievement Awards competition recognizes innovative flexible packaging from across its membership. The industry also believes it is important to encourage and recognize students who are working to become the next generation of packaging engineers and designers.

Sizzle Sleeves, a packaging concept for precooked single-serve bacon slices, was the second-place winner. Garrett Foster, Haaken Pedersen and Clorinda Webb from the California Polytechnic State University developed the concept under the direction of Joongmin Shin, Ph.D., professor. Sizzle Sleeves offers a unique bacon packaging solution that addresses convenience and suitability.

“We tried to envision the most convenient, least messy way to package bacon. We drew some inspiration from products such as Otter Pops or Hot Pockets, as both products clearly communicate the product use instructions and allow for a convenient user experience in opening and disposing of the packaging,” said Pedersen. “This packaging alternative allows for a more convenient and less messy—no pan needed or plate—way of cooking and eating bacon.”

Shin said, “I am proud of our students for securing second place in the FPA Student Design Competition with their innovative portion-controlled bacon packaging concept. This design enhances the convenience of pre-cooked bacon and extends its shelf life. We are deeply grateful to the Flexible Packaging Association for offering our students a valuable platform to demonstrate their creativity and innovation. Opportunities like this are essential in nurturing the next generation of packaging professionals.”

FPA’s Emerging Leadership Council oversees the Student Flexible Packaging Design Challenge and judged this year’s competition. The ELC judges for the competition included:

  • Kasie Fairbarn, vice president of sales, Windmoeller & Hoelscher Corp., ELC co-chair
  • Weston Harcourt, strategic account manager, Sonoco Flexible Packaging, ELC co-chair
  • Jonathan Quinn, industry advisor

For the 2024 competition, FPA received 49 concept outlines from some of the top packaging design programs across the United States. From the concept outlines submitted, 11 were selected to continue to the development phase.

Source: Flexible Packaging Association