The American Lamb Board is focused on educating consumers about cooking lamb at home. 

Many lamb purchasers cite the lack of confidence with cooking lamb as a significant barrier when cooking lamb at home. Plus, consumers who purchase lamb to cook at home are more likely to reserve lamb for special occasions and holidays.

ALB is working to make American lamb a more mainstream at-home dinner choice through partnerships with two virtual cooking class programs.

“We know lamb purchasers are motivated to buy lamb when they have access to easy-to-follow recipes,” said ALB Chairman Jeff Ebert. “These new partnerships take that to a new level by providing both recipes and interactive online classes that let consumers prepare lamb dishes at home alongside chefs across the country.”


Kittch is a platform for a new generation of culinary enthusiasts who love to cook. The food-centric live-streaming platform offers cooking classes, kitchen tours, interviews, market visits and more. Its roster of chefs and foodie personalities offers classes and tutorials through a mix of free and paid content for viewers. The videos are accessed either live or on demand.

The next Kittch class sponsored by the American Lamb Board will take place on July 1, 2024. Chef Noah Galuten will help guests prepare Summer Lamb Bolognese, a dish that highlights summer flavors but converts them into a quick summer meat sauce using American lamb.


Homemade is America's largest cooking school. Founded in 2020 by nationally recognized Chef Joel Gamoran, the site provides free online live cooking classes for home cooks. Over 120,000 foodie consumers subscribe to the Homemade newsletter.

The next Homemade class sponsored by the American Lamb board is set for July 9, 2024. Participants will cook up the Mexican classic, birria. This rich, flavorful braise is a variation of barbacoa, enhanced with freshly toasted spices and whole-dried chiles. The lamb is then served in tacos with a broth for dipping.

Source: American Lamb Board