The American Lamb Board elected FY 2024 leadership at their meeting on Jan. 10, 2024, held ahead of the American Sheep Industry Association convention in Denver.
The newly elected chair is Jeff Ebert, Kansas, representing producers 100 head or less. Ebert has served as ALB’s vice chair 2022–2023 and, prior to joining ALB, served on the ASI Executive Committee in 2015.
David Fisher, Texas, represents producers greater than 500 head and was elected as vice chair. Don Hawk, Ohio, represents feeders and will serve as secretary. Jimmy Parker, Alabama, represents producers 100 head or more and will serve as treasurer.
The additional board members are Andrew Allman, Colorado, Carlos Barba, Illinois, Mike Duff, Idaho, Dave McEwen, Montana, Stephen Schreier, Minnesota, Gary Visintainer, Colorado, Karissa Issacs, Colorado, Cathrine Harper, Colorado, and Steve Breeding, Delaware.
The board represents all sectors of the American lamb industry including producers, feeders, seedstock producers and processors. The 13-member board, appointed by the secretary of agriculture, serves without compensation. Members are nominated by qualified organizations, including ASI and National Lamb Feeders Association.
Source: American Lamb Board