The USDA has announced that three members of the American Lamb Board (ALB) will be reappointed to new three-year terms serving on the board, and one new member has been appointed. These terms run January 2023 through January 2026.
The reappointed board members are:
- Jeff Ebert, St. George, Kansas, current vice chair (representing producers with 100 head or less)
- Don Hawk, Danville, Ohio, current treasurer (feeder at-large representative)
- Gary Visintainer, Craig, Colorado (representing producers with 500+ head)
The newly appointed board member is Karissa Isaacs, a first handler from Milliken, Colorado. Isaacs serves as director of producer resources at Superior Farms. Her family has a long history of sheep ranching. She has a bachelor's degree in animal sciences and a master’s degree in animal/meat science from Colorado State University.
The four appointed board members join nine other ALB members:
- Andrew Allman, Gill, Colorado, (first term, 2022–2025)
- Travis Anderson, Brownsville, Oregon, (first term, 2020–2023)
- Carlos Barba, Naperville, Illinois, (first term, 2021–2024)
- Peter Camino, Buffalo, Wyoming, current chairman (second term, 2018–2024)
- Mike Duff, Blackfoot, Idaho (first term, 2021–2024)
- David Fisher, Sonora, Texas (first term, 2022–2025)
- Dave McEwen, Galata, Montana (first term, 2021–2024)
- Jimmy Parker, Vinemont, Alabama (first term, 2022–2025)
- Steve Schreier, Tracy, Minnesota (first term, 2022–2025)
- Sally Scholle, Littlestown, Pennsylvania, current secretary (second term, 2018–2024)
Board members represent producers (commercial and seedstock), feeders and first handlers. Two producers must own 100 head or fewer of lambs annually, one producer must own 101–500 head of lambs annually and three producers must own more than 500 head of lambs annually. At least one feeder must feed fewer than 5,000 head of lambs annually, and at least one must feed more than 5,000 head of lambs annually.
ALB members must be nominated by a certified producer organization and submit a completed application. All nomination information is available on the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service website.
Source: American Lamb Resource Center; American Lamb Board; USDA; USDA AMS