Eriez’ Metal Detector Quick Ship Program is now the go-to solution for food industry professionals when they encounter issues with a metal detector that is utilized as a critical control point (CCP) in their company’s hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) program. In these difficult scenarios where time is of the essence, Eriez enables companies to keep production moving by providing shipping of select state-of-the-art Xtreme Metal Detectors in as few as two days.
Eriez Metal Detector Product Manager Ray Spurgeon explains that the company’s recently expanded metal detector manufacturing space is allowing his team to keep up with rising demand while satisfying expedited delivery requirements. Spurgeon says, “With our Xtreme product line providing the best options for delivery, price and features, it’s no surprise that business is booming.”
Eriez' Quick Ship Program includes the company’s most popular items--from grate magnets to vibratory feeders and metal detectors--readily available for immediate requirements. Spurgeon says Eriez developed the Quick Ship Program to meet customers’ most urgent and often unexpected needs, such as upcoming audits and equipment breakdowns at CCPs.
Eriez Xtreme Metal Detectors achieve the highest levels of sensitivity to detect small ferrous and nonferrous metal contaminants to protect product purity in food applications. All units in this line are competitively priced and offer enhanced features, intuitive operation, performance and reliability. In its base package, the Xtreme Metal Detector boasts a 7-inch easy-to-use touch screen interface, multiple pre-programmed languages, easy set-up and reporting, multiple USB and interface ports, remote access and a standard high pressure wash down design.
To learn more about the Eriez Quick Ship Metal Detector Program, visit