Food safety professionals gathering for the 2018 Food Safety Summit, May 7-10 in Rosemont, IL, will have the unique opportunity to experience the power of handwash gamification in reducing the risk of brand-damaging outbreaks and costly recalls. Handwashing For Life has recruited the recognized experts in electronic handwash monitoring to share their expertise, all at a single location, booth #431, at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center.

Handwashing For Life is an advocacy group dedicated to lowering operator risk through enhanced and verified handwashing. Demonstrations will include a running of The Handwashing For Life Olympics. Food safety athletes will compete, illustrating a tool that has been used successfully for 17 years by the chefs of the 12 location Clyde’s Restaurant Group to motivate handwashing compliance. Old Ebbitt Grill, an historic restaurant just steps from the nation’s White House, is their most famous location.

Athletes and spectators will be treated to a tour of three new technologies to monitor and report handwashing behaviors. All three have been effective in getting the food handling staff to the handsink and automatically recording their handwash frequency and in one case the process itself is tracked. Take a deep dive into three competitive technologies from HandScan LLC, Clean Hands Company and CloudClean™. Together they offer solutions to a wide spectrum of operator cultures. “Continuous improvement starts with C-Suite commitment and tracking data."

The risk of an outbreak is dramatically reduced when compliance exceeds 90% rather than the current 30%. Stop by to enter the Handwashing For Life Olympics and witness the drama of dueling electronic hand hygiene monitoring technologies. “What you measure you can change. What you measure you can reward."

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