Members of the New Hampshire Congress are reworking a law that created a state meat inspection program five years ago. The law, which was created due to a lack of federally inspected facilities, has received no funding through the state budget and has therefore never been implemented.
“And here,” House Environment and Agriculture Committee member Rep. Tara Sad said, “we sit.”
Now lawmakers are doing what they can with the language leftovers. This work comes just a month after New Hampshire experienced its first locally farmed beef recall in over a decade from PT Farm slaughtering facility in North Haverhill.
The main intent of the livestock and meat inspection study committee is to revise and clarify the 59-section statute (and to consider things like whether parrots fall under the definition of “poultry”). Committee members also discussed the future of their now-impotent state meat inspection program.
For more information about the committee, read the Concord Monitor at
Source: Concord Monitor