BioSafe Systems introduces another new product for 2016, SaniDateFD 17 percent PAA. This product joins the lineup of BioSafe Systems’ other antimicrobial intervention products SaniDateFD and SaniDateFD PLUS.

While this new product is similar to other PAA intervention chemistries, SaniDateFD 17 percent has the added benefit of higher concentration of PAA without the reduced shelf life common with 20 percent to 25 percent formulations.

“In recent years many PAA manufacturers and distributors pushed to replace 15 percent PAA with 20 percent to 25 percent formulations, suggesting customers would use less product with only a small price increase. However, customers quickly found that these concentrations degrade at a much faster rate than 15 percent 17 percent products. After a couple weeks of storage, they were getting the performance of a 15 percent product while paying premium prices,” explained BioSafe Systems’ VP of Food Safety, Russell Owings. “Plants can easily transition from 15 percent and 20 percent to 25 percent PAA to SaniDateFD 17 percent for cost savings and confidence the product is going to remain stable.”

SaniDateFD 17 percent is a peroxyacetic acid-based microbiocide developed and approved for use as an antimicrobial agent to control microorganisms in process water and ice used in the production and preparation of federally inspected poultry, shell eggs, meat, processed meat, seafood and fruits and vegetables. SaniDateFD 17 percent complies with FCN #1501 and FCN# 1554. When used as directed at the maximum concentrations of peroxyacetic acid none of the other ingredients will exceed the maximum limits as established by the FDA.

For more information about BioSafe Systems’ new product SaniDateFD 17 percent contact BioSafe Systems’ Meat, Poultry and Seafood Sales Representative, Russell Owings at 540-256-8426 or visit