Dr. Samuel Pardue, Head of Poultry Science Department, North Carolina State University, and Brian Rodgers, corporate director of safety and risk management, Butterball LLC, discuss an array of issues regarding food safety.
Dr. Sam Pardue is the Head of the Poultry Science Department at North Carolina State University, a teacher and researcher of poultry science for more than 25 years, he discusses "OSHA Voluntary Protection Program".
Dr. Sam Pardue is the Head of the Poultry Science Department at North Carolina State University, a teacher and researcher for more than 25 years, he discusses "OSHA Voluntary Protection Program, Part III".
Brian Rodger, corporate director of safety and risk management for Butterball, LLC and Dr. Sam Pardue, head of the Poultry Science Department at North Carolina State University discuss "Safety processes and programs at Butterball, Part II".