The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association concluded its virtual Winter Business Meeting with the election of Jerry Bohn, a cattle producer from Wichita, Kan., as NCBA president.
In communities across our nation, no tradition runs deeper from generation to generation than that of working on a family farm. By working alongside their parents, grandparents and neighbors, young people learn important life skills and values — the values of hard work, personal responsibility and perseverance.
In communities across our nation, no tradition runs deeper from generation to generation than that of working on a family farm. By working alongside their parents, grandparents and neighbors, young people learn important life skills and values — the values of hard work, personal responsibility and perseverance.
Merchandising ideas, videos and brochures can help entice consumers to put beef on their menu.Shoppers who walk up to a supermarket meat case looking to prepare a hearty dinner may