The Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) work product is designed to resolve FAT criteria, expectations, and miscommunications that often result in unbudgeted costs in travel and material, increased timelines, and overall confusion for CPGs and OEMs.
FSIS is requiring that all makers of raw ground beef products keep adequate records of the source material, so that the agency can quickly work with the suppliers to recall contaminated product.
2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Every five years since its debut in 1980, the guidelines get tweaked to better reflect newer knowledge of nutrition and how what we eat impacts our health.
Protein plant of the future? You may be thinking, “I can’t worry about a future plant when I am focusing on my current plant’s operations.” But without forward thinking NOW, your protein plant of the future may be a boarded-up building surrounded by a weed-infested parking lot, or an over-built mega-structure burdened with fixed overhead costs and no workforce.