Independent professional chefs gave the category-exclusive awards after testing products from the El Monterey snack line head-to-head against market competitors.
Andy Hanacek, editor-in-chief, attended the dedication and groundbreaking ceremony for Ruiz Foods’ Florence, S.C., processing facility, July 15, 2014.
The list of facilities visited in the past year by editor-in-chief Andy Hanacek continues to impress, featuring some of the biggest companies and most innovative plants in the industry!
In conjunction with the March 2014 cover story, Andy Hanacek, Editor-in-chief, sits down with Fred Ruiz, Co-founder, Ruiz Foods, to discuss the history of Ruiz Foods and its developing future.
Ruiz Foods celebrates 50 years of success in 2014 and has taken a page from its history to rekindle the innovative spirit that had carried it in the past.
When assessing the future, sometimes it makes sense to return to your roots — trace back your history to understand from whence you came, to see where you might go in the future. Sometimes