U.S. poultry production during the 12 months through November was up 2.3 percent from last year. Production is rising at an accelerating pace, and our analysis indicates upward momentum will persist through at least the first half of this year.
Slaughtering and processing production has historically had a strong relationship with overall U.S. food production, which has recently transitioned to a slowing growth trend.
Average U.S. beef production during the 12 months through May was up 3.9 percent from the previous year and at its highest level in more than six years.
U.S. poultry production is accelerating. Despite record levels, we caution you not to lose sight of the upcoming period of slowing growth expected in U.S. food production.
U.S. animal slaughtering and processing production is rising. Average production during the 12 months through September was up 4.2 percent compared with the year-ago level