Allergens are a major cause of food recalls in the United States and can be devastating to a company. However, there are several things you can do to minimize the chance of your products being involved in an allergen recall.
Why not start 2020 by setting goals in several different areas to help you achieve both profitability and sustainability. Following are some areas in which you may want to consider setting goals.
The Christmas season offers many opportunities for sales. People like to give gifts they know the recipient will enjoy and most people enjoy receiving food items as gifts. Two excellent gift items are gift cards and gift boxes.
It is very important that owners and managers of small meat processing plants not only have personal work-life balance but that they also cultivate organizational work-life balance for their employees.
Owners and managers of small meat plants need to be concerned with two types of work-life balance; personal work-life balance and organizational work-life balance. This article addresses personal work-life balance as it relates to the small meat plant owner or manager.
There are several ways that you can transform your company's culture from an abstract concept into a daily positive experience by strategically designing and stocking your breakroom.
An SOP (standard operating procedure) is a procedure specific to your operation that describes the activities necessary to complete a task. Any document that is a "how to" falls into the category of an SOP.
The end of the year is the time many companies think about employee recognition. In reality employee recognition is something you should do throughout the year.
There are three main types of communication: Verbal, nonverbal, and written or visual communication. I am going to discuss the first two types of communication in this article.
When a customer complains, it provides you with the opportunity to turn a dissatisfied customer into a satisfied customer and perhaps into an advocate for your product or brand. This is true whether you are dealing with a retail or wholesale customer.