As consumers pay more attention to what they are eating, they are realizing that protein can satisfy a hungry appetite better than salty snacks or cookies and candies.
Of the many processes necessary to take a live animal and convert it to meat suitable for the dinner table, the kill step has long been the most controversial.
I had an opportunity to eat my way through two of Western Europe’s most renowned meat-loving countries within the last couple of months, and I did it all without having to go through customs.
Meat and poultry still play an important role in the American diet, but more consumers — particularly those in the younger generations — want the facts behind the meat they eat.
The simple act of buying food at a restaurant or a grocery store has never been more challenging, thanks to an overload of online data, news reports and opinions widely available to every consumer.
Every parent has been through their share of struggles when it comes to meal times. Moms and dads want their children to eat healthy and sensibly; the kids, on the other hand, want their favorites and could care less about all the traits that some adults find desirable.