Federal and state inspection help keep the food supply safe, but it must give small processors the opportunity to survive without drowning in paperwork or burdensome regulations.
Companies are required to develop procedures to ensure that food safety objectives are being met, and inspectors verify those claims through observation and reviewing documentation.
Foie gras, the fatted liver of a specially fed duck or goose, is produced by inhumane methods, critics say. To counter that argument, Hudson Valley Foie Gras, one of only two producers in the United States, has made an interesting decision: total transparency.
In the case of Mulay's Sausage, the founders went as far as to re-create an old family recipe and turn it into a popular brand that is through throughout the country.
When inspiration for a product comes from a new brand, the most practical way to manufacture the product is for the brand to find a capable co-packer to take the recipe and turn it into marketable products. When the relationship works, it can benefit both sides.
Along with a line-up of speakers and a busy trade show floor, the Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors annual convention also boasted the largest state meat products competition in the country.