Food preservation methods primarily consisted of salting, spicing, smoking, pickling and drying prior to refrigeration using ice — the substance that evolved into its own industry in the 1800s. More
Barbara Young When President Obama lambasted the practice of corporate junkets at taxpayer expense in comments he made Feb. 24, the National Meat Association (NMA) annual suppliers showcase, among other
It is 1939. Germany invades Poland triggering the official start of World War II, the six-year global conflict that ended in 1945. It is 1939. A Hungarian immigrant stakes his
Poultry quality depends upon disease-free birds. Disease-causing microorganisms and pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, are carried through vectors (living organisms that transmit pathogens). Frequently these vectors are the people who
Driving costs out of the manufacturing process is the call to arms for businesses in these recessionary times, to be sure. In that regard, the meat-protein industry is not alone
Barbara Young There is no shortage of threats on just about every front imaginable these days. The economy is broken; seemingly good people have gone bad and begun stealing hard-earned
Barbara Young Nobody can hope to thrive under a constant barrage of bad news and failed endeavors. When it comes to bad news, the meat industry certainly has taken its
There are famous names that immediately come to mind concerning certain food-industry matters. Upton Sinclair and meat-inspection reform go together like NASA and HACCP, for example. Then there is IBP
Barbara Young A New York Times report about the staying power of old technologies offered provocative insight into survival tactics that could well apply to businesses across the board. Reading
Barbara Young The new reality: The U.S. food industry’s role in the global economy is change personified. To offset escalating commodity costs, U.S. food producers are raising prices on just