The program, a continuation of the Meat Processor Academy, is organized by AAMP, the Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network and Kitchen Table Consultants.
The Mastermind program is a year-long, immersive experience that will help participants solve the ugliest problems in their meat business, improve their financial recordkeeping systems, boost profit potential, and learn from experts in the industry.
The Strategic Plan discusses data gaps, no-regrets strategies to reduce emissions and increase carbon sequestration, and the important co-benefits of climate-smart land management.
These science-based revisions incorporate recommendations from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025.
The report will represent the sheep industry’s commitment to sustainability and describe the industry’s existing practices and goals for continuous improvement.
Before joining SEPAmatic’s North American team, Weathers built his experience and network in the industry as a Townsend Skinners sales and applications expert.