When we reach a major milestone or achieve a significant accomplishment, the instinct is to press onward to the next goal. We should always take a step back and reflect on major successes and savor that moment before we move on to the next big thing.
Having been through dozens of meat and poultry processing plants during the 12+ years I’ve been writing about this industry, there is one thing I have never seen: an identical workforce.
I write this because in April of this year, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on a lawsuit environmental groups filed against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) after the agency finalized a rule that provided a narrow exemption for reporting the low-level emission of ammonia from poultry houses under CERCLA and EPCRA.
Many times we fail to capitalize on sales opportunities because we are not prepared. A Christmas holiday season sales opportunity that many meat processors find to be very profitable is gift boxes.
Listening is a skill that has to be mastered. It’s not the same thing as hearing. It’s hearing, comprehending, and responding to what was being said in the appropriate manner.
The term muscle myopathy is used to describe conditions associated with muscle weakness or changes in muscle mass in meat production. Fast growth rate is one of the many factors related to muscle myopathies in a multitude of farm production species.
If you have a meat market, fill it with locally made goods instead of commercial items. Shopping trips to your store may become a little more special when customers can get some locally produced bread, pies or juice along with your sausages or ham.