The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was created to ensure the safety of the U.S. food supply. FSMA shifts industry focus from responding to contamination, to preventing it, making food processors take a more proactive approach to eliminating and preventing foodborne contaminants from entering their plants.
Recalls occur on meat and poultry products for a variety of reasons — from positive tests for pathogens to allergen-labeling issues to foreign-material contamination. Any reason for a product recall is a serious one — and each should open the industry’s eyes to what it can do better to prevent these recalls from occurring.
Canada's beef industry is about to ask the federal government to approve the use of irradiation in meat-processing plants to kill E. coli bacteria in a full range of meat products.
When a person walks into a grocery store and picks up a package of sliced deli meat, there would be two things that person would do: First, he or she would look at the expiration date, then that person would look at the overall appearance of the meat inside.