The global meat processing equipment market is anticipated to grow, fueled by the world’s increasing population of meat-eating consumers with high disposable incomes raising demand for meat products.
Brett Erickson, director of Value-added Products at Certified Angus Beef LLC, talks about the efficiencies and flexibilities automation technology such as robotics allows processors.
Many meat processors have embraced the opportunity to maximize use of inputs and ensure the highest level of food safety during production by integrating critical software capabilities to leverage real-time actionable knowledge and provide insight and analytics for enhanced control, consistency and cost savings.
The fundamental law that applies to apparel for meat and poultry plant workers is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and it addresses a couple of different issues.
Fat in meat animals consists mostly of triglycerides, acquired from dietary sources, and fatty acid de novo synthesis (Bravo-Lamas et al., 2018). Lipid-derived flavor compounds include aldehydes (alkanals), ketones, carboxylic acids (alkanoics), alcohols (alkanols), lactones, and alkylfurans (Mottram, 1998).
The U.S. Department of Agricultuire’s Rural Development is making available $150 million in grants to help meat and poultry processors expand their capacity and market options through the Meat and Poultry Processors Expansion Program (MPPEP).
I recently spoke with a veteran packaging executive whose experiences span enough years that his notions on trays are well informed by practical knowledge and businesslike candor.