For responsible water use, Marel Poultry offers solid practical solutions. One clear example of this is the Mazzraty poultry processing plant in Qatar, equipped with a well-thought-out water management system.
Last fall, robotic cattle drivers were born out of a partnership with Cargill and Colorado State University's Temple Grandin, professor of animal science.
In this video interview, Jorge Izquierdo of PMMI talks about the pressures on the meat and poultry processing industries that are forcing companies to invest in robotics and automation more often today.
In this video interview, Jorge Izquierdo of PMMI discusses how blockchain technology can benefit meat and poultry processors who investigate and use it.
In this video interview, Jorge Izquierdo of PMMI talks about the advancements being made in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), and how those technologies might infiltrate the industry.
Today's heightened occurrence of food allergies and intolerances are difficult to ignore. Approximately 15 million people in the U.S. have a food allergy — representing a greater number than the entire populations of New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago combined.