Organic operations, certifying agents and other organic stakeholders affected by the rule will have one year from the effective date of the rule to comply with the changes.
Hooray Foods customers, fans and supporters of the plant-based food industry can invest in the company for as little as $100 in exchange for company equity and product perks.
The EIS will examine the potential environmental effects of the agency’s response activities to HPAI outbreaks in commercial and backyard poultry operations in the United States.
NCC identifies several areas where the proposed rule is legally deficient and unconstitutionally vague, and argues that an insufficient administrative record fails to support the proposed rule.
The facility, which will be completed in three phases and will include the latest state-of-the-art automation technology for sandwich assembly and food handling, is expected to be completed in 2025
If you’re looking for a new approach to try out in your product offerings, Technomic’s recently published 2024 Menu Predictions Third Quarter report highlights the foodservice market research firm’s top 50 predicted fastest-growing ingredients.