The new investments and strategies intend to help farmers and ranchers conserve water, address climate change and build drought resilience in the West.
Visit the NRCS website for more information on the WaterSMART Initiative and to read the Western Water and Working Lands Framework for Conservation Action.
Just 3 percent of the world’s water is fresh water, and two-thirds of that water is currently inaccessible, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Meat-processing facilities are major users of large amounts of water. Plants may use hundreds of thousands of gallons of water per day to process meat adequately.
For poultry processors, water consumption, water reuse, ease of sanitary cleanup and robust operation are key elements driving plant operation and machinery selection today.
Beef processors need to manage use of these resources to control costs while meeting the company's internal energy efficiency and sustainability goals.
Cattle supply is up and the beef processing industry is near capacity, which is certainly keeping processors busy. It also means facilities are using significantly more water, energy and sanitation chemistry.
Uncovering the best ways to cut water and energy use in meat and poultry plants is akin to solving a puzzle. While obvious measures alone can lead to big paybacks, it takes patience and creativity for operators to uncover all possible sources of waste and the best strategies for optimal gains.