As processors pushed to make the most of good economic conditions in 2017, sales are up, acquisitions are occurring more frequently and expansion is happening in the meat and poultry industry.
For the first time in recent memory, there is a new company at the top of The National Provisioner's annual Top 100 Meat and Poultry Processors Report. Backed by growth in its beef and pork divisions, JBS Holdings holds the top spot in this year’s survey of the meat and poultry industry.
The National Provisioner is seeking information for its 2018 Top 100 Meat & Poultry Processors Report. In order to determine the Top 100, we are conducting our annual survey of meat, poultry and prepared foods companies.
The news headlines of the past year have been dominated by upheaval and uncertainty, but the stories surrounding the meat and poultry industry were more positive. Those stories were a part of the largely positive response from the industry to this year’s annual Top 100 Processors Report.
A majority of meat and poultry processors cited in our Top 100 Processors Report was able to overcome the challenges of the past year to secure positive outcomes.
This year’s Top 100 meat and poultry processors report features more billion-dollar companies than ever before, and for the first time, every single company on the list has sales of $100 million or more.