Once fully operational, the facility will help reduce truck traffic at Nicholas Meat, contain and minimize odor, create renewable energy, decrease the company’s carbon footprint and capture greenhouse gases.
If CIP is to be effective, not only does the CIP system itself need to be well designed, but the production equipment itself needs to be designed with effective CIP in mind from the beginning.
Four students received $4,000 academic scholarships from the PMMI Scholarship in Memorial of Claude S. Breeden, Glenn Davis, and Art Schaefer, all of whom were industry leaders committed to education and workforce development.
NORD’s poultry and meat industry solutions include hygienic, compact gear units, high-efficiency electric motors and precise electronic control products with a variety of surface protection options for wash-down environments.
In this role, he will work to uncover new ways SEPAmatic can increase yield and production efficiency toward optimizing their equipment ROI and profitability.