Annual U.S. pork production in February (latest data) was up 5.6 percent from the prior year and in an accelerating growth trend before the COVID-19 shutdowns dramatically changed the economic landscape.
As most of you know, as a food industry lawyer, I have represented the food industry for over 20 years. During the course of that time, I have closely tracked evolving USDA policy, the strengthening of FSIS inspection and surveillance programs, the continuing parade of food product recalls, and the nearly monthly emergence of new foodborne illness outbreaks.
I don’t need to tell you that we are living and working in unprecedented times. Business has been good, but not without its challenges. Independent processors all across the country have worked tirelessly to find ways to meet the demand of a growing customer base while trying to mitigate the risks to their staff and families.
Up until now, the response to the Coronavirus has been largely uniform. While there were some variances between states, the country for the most part had locked down, and people were following social distancing guidelines.
Applying specific disease management & prevention measures can help reduce the risk of transmitting the virus among workers on farms, ranches, and other production worksites.
Perdue Premium Meat Company has acknowledged its need for premium differentiation and grown quickly by filling in gaps with ultra-complementary initiatives and acquisitions.
As spring rolls into summer, gardeners across North America are beginning to see the fruits of their post-winter labor, as gardens begin to flourish and put on a show. Creating the perfect landscape takes knowledge, planning, a knack for what works best for each individual plant and the ability to adjust when things aren’t quite right.