Since the onset of the spring storms, Butterball LLC has contributed a total of 145,000 pounds of turkey products to food banks in the severely affected areas of eastern North Carolina, western Alabama and southwestern Missouri, as well as supplies for relief efforts. Additionally, the company established a Butterball Disaster Relief Fund to provide for the immediate needs of its affected employees.
“On behalf of Butterball, our thoughts and sympathies go out to all of those impacted by the storms. We know the damage is extensive, just within our company 92 associates and their families were severely affected. We are hopeful that our efforts are helping to eliminate at least one of the uncertainties these families are facing by providing wholesome meals,” said Walter Pelletier, president of Butterball, LLC co-owner Maxwell Farms, LLC and member of Butterball’s board.
The Butterball Disaster Relief Fund was started to help its impacted associates in all three of the affected states pay for damages and certain essentials not covered by insurance. Butterball has committed to match contributions to the fund dollar-for-dollar up to $25,000 total. As of today, the fund has been able to raise and distribute over $25,000 through the support of its customers and friends.
“We greatly appreciate Butterball’s generous contribution,” said Scott Boggs, warehouse facility supervisor of Ozarks Food Harvest in Springfield, Mo., which received more than 39,000 pounds of donated Butterball turkey. “The company’s donations and overall relief efforts will help us provide food and supplies to hundreds of severely impacted community members,” he continued.
In addition to food and monetary contributions, Butterball associates have also helped the various communities by volunteering, providing nearly 4,000 meals and assisting in the rescue efforts. Clothing, bedding and personal hygiene items were collected, and Butterball facilities have provided water, over 200,000 pounds of ice, special gloves that protect against sharp objects, product and cooking equipment to assist relief groups. All of the Butterball facilities have worked with the Red Cross to determine immediate needs.
Butterball is also partnering with Joplin Public Schools in their Adopt-A-Classroom program, whereby they will “adopt” a classroom to replenish materials and supplies that were destroyed in the May tornadoes.