PDC International Corp. has introduced its 65 Series Shrinksealer. The 65 Series systems are dual-use, mid-level packaging systems engineered for continuous production, or contract sleeving. Systems are usable for two distinctive shrink-sleeving applications. Several iterations of Tamper Evident Banding are applied with the 65 Series as well. The machines operate at 50 to 175 containers per minute with maximum speeds dependent on the package dimensions. Sleeve diameter range is .375 to 3.25 inches. Sleeve height range is .625 to 8 inches. PDC 65 Series machines are compatible with all petroleum-based and sustainable films, including PVC, PET, PETG, OPS and PLA films. Options allow equipment to be customized with additional sensors as well as power transformers, motorized height adjustment, servo-feed motor and touchscreen operator interface.
PDC International Corp., phone (203) 853-1516 or visit www.pdc-corp.com