A global strategic initiative to grow export demand for U.S. pork loin has contributed to the development of new marketing initiatives in key export markets. This includes Guatemala, where USMEF has been conducting training sessions for distributors. Called “Porkshops,” USMEF works directly with the staff of importers and distributors on merchandising ideas for their customers in retail and foodservice.
In these small-scale workshops, distributors learn how a variety of merchandisable cuts can be procured from the U.S. pork loin, including ribeye, New York, T-bone, porterhouse, Cowboy, sirloin and chops. Cutting demonstrations are followed by cooking sessions with attendees, in which they experience the versatility and taste of U.S. pork in popular local dishes.
“Forty staff of two distributor partners recently attended two Porkshops in Guatemala City,” said Lucia Ruano, USMEF’s Central America director. “They learned how to produce several cuts from the loin and how to present new ideas to their customers about merchandising and selling each of the cuts to consumers.”
Ruano said that developing demand for these cuts will help U.S. pork realize its market potential in the region. In Guatemala, despite increases in domestic pork production, pork imports continue expanding to meet rising consumer demand. USMEF estimates that per capita pork consumption in Guatemala has risen 20% since 2018.
Funding support for the workshops was provided by the National Pork Board, Illinois Soybean Association and Indiana Soybean Alliance.
Source: U.S. Meat Export Federation