As part of its ongoing commitment to bolster the recruitment and education of talented students while advocating for careers within the poultry and egg industries both domestically and internationally, the USPOULTRY Foundation invited 20 students and advisors from seven universities across Latin America to attend the 2024 International Poultry Expo, part of the International Production & Processing Expo.

The students engaged in the USPOULTRY Foundation International Student Program, affording them opportunities to interact with companies that have global operations. The students were also able to explore the large IPPE trade show floor, showcasing the latest advancements in modern, sustainable poultry technology. Additionally, they took part in the Latin American Poultry Summit, jointly sponsored by the IPE and the Asociación Latinoamericana de Avicultura (ALA), where they were recognized during the summit luncheon.

“ALA is committed and thankful for the opportunity to participate in this educational program. It has been an enriching experience that has expanded knowledge and skills to Latin American students. The resources provided by the USPOULTRY Foundation have been invaluable, and the interactions with mentors and fellow participants have been insightful. Thank you for creating a platform that fosters learning and growth in the poultry industry. The Latin American Poultry Association is grateful for the continuous support and guidance throughout this journey. We look forward to continuing our collaboration and learning with USPOULTRY,” said Dania Ferrera, executive director of ALA.

“One of the Foundation’s missions is to attract up and coming talent to careers in the poultry and egg industries. This program is a tool in that mission for us to be able to offer poultry and egg companies an opportunity to meet with these international students. Several companies at IPPE have operations outside of the United States and are looking for future leaders to fill positions in various countries,” said Jarod Morrison, Farbest Foods Inc., and USPOULTRY Foundation chair.

Source: U.S. Poultry & Egg Association