BioSafe Systems has developed an insecticide to kill insects and pests commonly found inside homes, livestock housing and food processing facilities. Aptly named PYClear, this concentrated product utilizes pyrethrins, a natural insecticide derived from chrysanthemum extracts.

Labeled for use on over 200 organisms, PYClear can be applied as a fog or mist to control indoor pests (ants, cockroaches, spiders, house flies, mosquitos, etc.) and uniquely as a direct spray or dip application to domestic animals (pets, livestock) to control ticks, fleas, horse flies, gnats and lice.

“We are excited about our new PYClear product to add to our building product portfolio of insect control products and solutions,” states Rob Larose, President & CEO of BioSafe Systems.

An official launch date is planned for early 2020 and more information will be released as it’s developed.

For more information visit