Case Farms, a leading poultry processor, recently donated $4,000 to Akron Children’s Hospital, the largest pediatric health care provider in northeast Ohio. The proceeds raised for the hospital’s 18th Annual “Have a Heart, Do Your Part” radiothon will help buy child-size medical equipment and fund patient care, community outreach and research. Representatives from Case Farms presented a check to the hospital on Saturday, February 11, 2017.
“We’re extremely proud to support the important work of Akron Children’s Hospital,” said Sammy Caudle, Case Farms’ Ohio operations VP and general manager. “Our hope is that this contribution will have a significant impact on the families that Akron Children’s Hospital serves, allowing the hospital to continue its research efforts and outstanding patient care in our community.”
Since it began in 2000, the “Have a Heart, Do Your Part” radiothon has raised $9.8 million for the patient care, education and research efforts at Akron Children’s.
In addition to the money raised during the three-day live broadcast, community Change Bandits collected money that is included in the event’s total. As of Feb. 3, nearly 400 Change Bandits had signed up to collect change for Akron Children’s. In 2016, Change Bandits collected approximately $100,000 for the radiothon.
“We live in a unique area, where our community and employees rally around this event. Our employees hosted a number of fundraising events during the first two weeks of February including bake sales, food sales, 50/50 and lottery trees. We are honored to be apart of it and look forward to participating in next year’s event,” adds Caudle.
Since 2015, Case Farms has donated $10,000 to Akron Children’s Hospital.
Source: Case Farms