In Hall 04, booth G16, Interpack visitors can experience the unique quality and versatility of the Cutters, Mixers, Grinders and Emulsifiers by Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG. The meat industry being the central user of Seydelmann machines, others, including the cheese-, soup-, vegetable-, pharmacy-, and pet food industries also rely on Seydelmann machines. By performing various technological operations in one working step, Seydelmann machines help save personnel, time and energy costs.
Usually five different machines are needed for the production of marzipan whereas one Seydelmann Vacuum-Cooking-Cutter is sufficient for carrying out all production steps. Apart from chopping, emulsifying, and blending, the state of the art and versatile technology in Seydelmann Cutters offers numerous further processing options. In Seydelmann Cutters, cooling, cooking, melting, and thermization as well as vacuum drying, evacuating, and granulating are also possible. That is why the producers of marmalades, confectionary containing nuts and cocoa as well as rework of cookies, wafers, and chocolate bar misshapes trust Seydelmann Vacuum-Cooking-Cutters.
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